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Monday, March 4, 2013




  1. looks cool. starting to come together at last. can't wait to see the rest, bro. you are the last bastion for concept stuff on the net. don't give up on the dream, man.

  2. awesome, been waiting a long time for this.
    Totally agree with teknomancer2008, a true keeper of the dream. Your faith is your shield! Good luck!

  3. YES!!!!! Home stretch now man. I'm really looking forward to this blog!

  4. i am 12 and every day i come to this site, look at the work and then sketch some of my own stuff, this site is so inspiring! i really look up to you and what you have done, i hope some day to make a site like this and draw some real concept art. i can't wait for these guns, when will they be up? :)

  5. Thanks guys!!! It will be up soon. I promise. Harry, thanks so much... That is exactly what I was hoping to accomplish with the sites. Concept on!

  6. Im nervous!!! In JANUARY this site will come up, ou ou ou ou wait its APRIL!

  7. Hope you know what a tremendous resource your sites are in the Lego fan community - conceptships is the go-to for inspiration in our corner of the net. Thanks for providing such an excellent site!

  8. Hi Carter,
    That is so amazing to know. I remember a LEGO site/forum years ago that had concept vehicle art as a resource. When I was researching material for my soon to be blogs, that was one of the first sites that seemed to be categorizing vehicle art and it impressed me. A lot of their images were way too small but the concept was there. A LEGO vehicle blog was always a plan as well. Concept guns is going to happen:)

  9. I hope you've received a lot of guns from people I know I've recommended this site to a few people who have said they sent you stuff hope to see it up here :)

  10. Hi there, please consider opening a Concept Buildings site too =D

  11. gonna go ahead and assume this is not happening?

  12. I've seen some saying the reason for this delay could be not many cool weapons out there, which could be true to some degree, most aren't that good and there's like tons and tons of guns out there so, maybe he received tons and tons of weapons and now he has to choose the decent ones and, it takes time. But, never the less there is a decent number of good ones for sure, enough to start this blog and fill few pages. Hm, now when I think, the new year is approaching, maybe he'll surprise us and start it on Christmas or something, that would be cool :-)


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